Previously I have written an article "Some Reasons Difficult to Lose Weight". But I think all the reasons it's still not quite enough to support weight loss diet program you why this is so?
Because there are many factors that influence the success rate of diets to lose weight. I wonder what factors are ya?
Quizzed had inquired turns our lifestyles also affect your diet program. Not only you, but almost everyone had a problem in losing weight. Many who claim to have done a lot of sports activities plus regular diet, but still stocky. In fact, without realizing it, one's lifestyle is also one of the major factors that hinder the process of agency management.
Generally most people have a lot of willpower to lose weight, but to no avail. To increase the chances of success are needed 1-2 behavior changes.
Some habits are carried out by someone without realizing it can make it difficult weight is reduced so that it remains to be fat. For that to know what things that could make a person difficult to be thin, as quoted from, Tuesday (17/05/2011), namely:
Skipping meals
Do not have a regular meal time can make the body difficult to control their appetite and become more of a meal. If a person skipping meals does not have the brain power and will send a signal to eat more. And eating more will certainly complicate the person in losing weight.
Eating quickly
If someone ate quickly will make it feel full sooner and will move to other foods. For that try to enjoy it and slow it down so the body is more able to recognize satiety signals and issue commands to make the brain to stop eating.
Doing a party at the end of the week
Party at the end of the week will cause problems later. The study found saturated fatty acids from the diet will affect palmitic acid and leptin (a hormone that helps regulate appetite).
Snacking on salty foods frequently
Sodium contained in salt can make a person continues to eat without realizing that he will be snacking in large portions.
Eating in front of the television
This is because someone is eating calories but do not burn it, and studies show that eating in front of the television will make it consume more calories and increasingly inactive. And do not sleep after eating a heavy meal, but wait until a few hours later.
Well, For those of you who no longer do the diet and still feel to do the things mentioned above, eating immediately leave such a lifestyle. Because a little much of it also have an influence on the diet program lose weight.
Good Luck In Diet Program!!
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